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三元名家论坛:Heavy-flavor-conserving weak decays of heavy baryons
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2024-04-16     来源:    

讲座主题:Heavy-flavor-conserving weak decays of heavy baryons







Three decades ago, heavy-flavor-conserving (HFC) weak decays of heavy baryons such as ΞQ→ΛQ+π and ΩQ→ΞQ+π for Q = c, b had been proposed and studied within the framework that incorporates both heavy-quark and chiral symmetries. HFC decays have two great advantages: (1) S-wave can be evaluated reliably using current algebra, and (2) if the heavy quark in the HFC process behaves as a spectator, then the P-wave amplitude of ΞQ→ΛQ+π will vanish. In the b sector, HFC decay was first measured by LHCb in 2014 and it was well understood. However, HFC decay in the charm sector, namely, ΞQ→ΛQ+π was not measured until 2020. The theoretical prediction of its branching fraction is too small compared to experiment. The puzzle was finally resolved recently. It took thirty years to fully understand the underlying mechanism forcharm-flavor-conserving weak decays of charmed baryons.

